          第一代〈美日安保條約〉(1951.09.08) ●雲程譯 st1\00003a*{} table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}第一代〈美日安保條約〉(1951.09.08) ●雲程譯 〈美國與日本間安全條約〉 ●雲程譯 Security Treaty Between Japan and the United States of America 日本於今日簽署〈對聯盟國和約〉。和約生效時,日本因解除武裝將不再擁有行使其自衛固有權利的有效手段。 日本因被世界驅逐不負責任的軍國主義,致使面臨此一危險情勢。因此,日本希望與美國有一安全條約,能與〈日本與美國的和約〉同時生效。 和約承認日本為主權國家,擁有?太平洋房屋剪擐w全安排的權利,且〈聯合國憲章〉承認所有國家擁有個別與集體自衛的固有權利。 為行使此權利,作為一個臨時性的防衛安排,日本希望美國維持其駐紮日本與附近之武裝部隊,以嚇阻對於日本的攻擊。 美國為和平與安全之利益,願意維持其駐紮日本與附近之武裝部隊,但日本亦應增強其本身對應直接與間接侵略之防衛責任,且永遠避免任何攻擊性威脅與違反促進和平與安全之〈聯合國憲章〉目的與原則之軍備。 為此,兩國同意如下: Japan has this day signed a Treaty of Peace with the Allied Powers. On t 烤肉食材he coming into force of that Treaty, Japan will not have the effective means to exercise its inherent right of self-defense because it has been disarmed. There is danger to Japan in this situation because irresponsible militarism has not yet been driven from the world. Therefore Japan desires a Security Treaty with the United States of America to come into force simultaneously with the Treaty of Peace between Japan and the United States of America . The Treaty of Peace recognizes tha 關鍵字排名t Japan as a sovereign nation has the right to enter into collective security arrangements, and further, the Charter of the United Nations recognizes that all nations possess an inherent right of individual and collective self-defense. In exercise of these rights, Japan desires, as a provisional arrangement for its defense, that the United States of America should maintain armed forces of its own in and about Japan so as to deter armed attack upon Japan . The United States of America, in the interest of peace 辦公室出租and security, is presently willing to maintain certain of its armed forces in and about Japan, in the expectation, however, that Japan will itself increasingly assume responsibility for its own defense against direct and indirect aggression, always avoiding any armament which could be an offensive threat or serve other than to promote peace and security in accordance with the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter. Accordingly, the two countries have agreed as follows: 【第一條】 在和平條約生效時,日本賦予美國 土地買賣且美國接受,擁有在日本國內與附近部署陸海空軍的權利。此軍隊為維持遠東的國際安全,以及日本之安全遭受一或二國以上外部的武裝攻擊,包括基於日本政府明白請求援助鎮壓因為一個或多個外國所煽動或干涉而引起之國內大規模暴動與騷亂。 ARTICLE I Japan grants, and the United States of America accepts, the right, upon the coming into force of the Treaty of Peace and of this Treaty, to dispose United States land, air and sea forces in and about Japan . Such forces may be utilized to contribute to the maintenance of international peace and security in the Far Ea 借貸st and to the security of Japan against armed attack from without, including assistance given at the express request of the Japanese Government to put down large-scale internal riots and disturbances in Japan, caused through instigation or intervention by an outside power or powers. 【第二條】 為行使第一條所言之權利,日本若未獲得美國允許不得將任何基地或任何權利、權力或與基地或駐軍或演習之權利或陸軍、空軍或海軍過境之任何權能賦予第三國。 ARTICLE II During the exercise of the right referred to in Article I, Japan will not grant, without the prior consent of the Un 信用卡代償ited States of America, any bases or any rights, powers or authority whatsoever, in or relating to bases or the right of garrison or of maneuver, or transit of ground, air or naval forces to any third power. 【第三條】 美國武裝部隊在日本國內與附近之配備由兩國政府間之另行政協定規定之。 ARTICLE III The conditions which shall govern the disposition of armed forces of the United States of America in and about Japan shall be determined by administrative agreements between the two Governments. 【第四條】 本條約在聯合國能符合維持日本地區國際和平與安全之安措施生效後,且日本政府與美 西服國政府認為前應持續有效。 ARTICLE IV This Treaty shall expire whenever in the opinion of the Governments of Japan and the United States of America there shall have come into force such United Nations arrangements or such alternative individual or collective security dispositions as will satisfactorily provide for the maintenance by the United Nations or otherwise of international peace and security in the Japan Area. 【第五條】 本條約應由日本與美國批准。本條約在兩國交換批准書時生效。 ARTICLE V This Treaty shall be ratified by Japan and the United States of America and will come into force when i 酒店兼職nstruments of ratification thereof have been exchanged by them at Washington . 由以下全權代表簽署本條約,以昭信守。 1951年9月8日簽署於舊金山市,日文與英文各繕兩份。 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned Plenipotentiaries have signed this Treaty. DONE in duplicate at the city of San Francisco , in the Japanese and English languages, this eighth day of September, 1951. 日本代表:FOR JAPAN: 吉田茂(Shigeru Yoshida) 美國代表: Dean Acheson John Foster Dulles Alexander Wiley Styles Bridges .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 襯衫  .

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